Amazon Kindle Game "Every Word" Uses N-Word

A lot of Kindle owners were very excited when Amazon Digital Services released two new Kindle games, Every Word and Shuffled Row. I downloaded them both a few days ago, and have been playing Every Word for a few days. The object is to take a 7-letter word and create as many words as possible from it.

I just didn't know the N-word was one of those words.

I was playing last night, and had nearly completed a board. The main word was GASPING, and I was missing one 6-letter word. Not wanting to leave an incomplete board before I moved to the next level, I logged on to an online Scrabble anagram generator to see if I could find it.

The generator gave me three choices: agings, gaping, paging. The game accepted gaping and paging, but had a word in between that I just wasn't getting.

Three different Scrabble generators gave me the same three words, so I decided to give up and see what the word was. I hit the button, and Easy Word filled in the missing word:

Did they just use the N-word in a Kindle game?! Hell yes, Amazon used the N-word in a Kindle game!

Normally, this is a humor blog, but I didn't find this in the least bit funny. As the proud father of two black children, that is one word that I find extremely offensive.

I don't know if Amazon Digital Services thought this was an acceptable word to include in their game dictionary, or if some hack programmer thought it would be funny to drop in, but using the N-word this way is wildly inappropriate and something I never would have expected from Amazon.


Amazon's Senior PR Director for Kindle, Stephanie Mantello, sent me a note that they had halted distribution of the game, were going to fix it, and then begin redistributing the game. They would also make an updated version of the game available to people who had already downloaded it.

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