Mass. City Cancels Ice Cream Fundraiser Because It's Not Healthy

From the "We Just Don't Get It" files:

Peabody, Mass. High School is canceling the students' ice cream social fundraiser, because the school district doesn't understand that people can just buy this stuff at the store. Or that there are stores that specialize in selling ice cream.

Students have a monthly ice cream social as a way to raise funds for school clubs, the student newspaper, sports teams, and local charities. They raise about $400 each month, but they'll have to find another way, since the dunderheaded administrators (who probably eat ice cream at home) have canceled the best possible, safest, most wholesome fundraising event a bunch of high school kids can put on month after month?

The school district says the school is in violation of state and federal wellness guidelines that apparently say ice cream should never, ever be eaten by children under any circumstances, whatsoever.

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