CCRT Properties Tries to Get 2 Months Rent from Murdered Man

Colin Byars' apartment manager is demanding rent for March and April, and saying Byars didn't give 30 days notice that he would be leaving.

Not an unreasonable request, except the guy was murdered in February.

"How is he supposed to send a 30 days notice when he didn't even know he was going to get killed?" Danielle Eckert, Byars' mother, told WTMJ AM NewsRadio.

CCRT Properties of Milwaukee, Wisc. sent a letter to Byars' estate and his roommate Robert Macedo demanding the back rent, plus an additional $660 for early termination of the lease. They've even told Danielle they've contacted their corporate attorney.

Oh, if I could only be the judge in this case. The joys of deciding whether to fine CCRT Properties infinity billion dollars, or send them a lifetime of hard labor.

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