Mario Moraes got knocked out of the race on lap 1. Didn't even complete the first lap, and said he was bumped by Marco Andretti.
Marco said "Kid doesn't get it...he's clueless."
Then things get all "asky."
Outside, the ABC field reporter is walking quickly to keep up with Moraes, asking him what happened.
"What did Marco say?" Moraes asked.
"He said you bumped him. Where are you going?" asked the announcer.
"I'm going to ask him," said Moraes.
Big "ooohs" and cheers from the entire press room, with remembrances of Danica Patrick's stomp down a hot pit row to "ask" Ryan Briscoe about their crash that knocked her out of the race.
Moraes said later, "I know the 26 hit me, OK? I was in front. I was holding my line, and he just hit me. I don't know from where."
When Moraes crashed before completing a lap of the 2009 Indianapolis 500, it marked the third time that a car starting in the seventh position crashed before completing a lap. Tom Sneva (1986) and Scott Brayton (1988) were the other two occurrences.
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