The note said:
Dear E.J.,Apparently this is an ongoing thing. Montini writes a negative column about Arapaio, who is accused of abusing his power, the FBI is taking a personal interest in the self-proclaimed "America's toughest sheriff." In return, the sheriff sends him anchovy pizzas to thank him for negative columns. Montini doesn't like anchovies, so I guess this is Arpaio's way of yanking Montini's chain.
Thanks for another negative story about me. (“Criticism that Arpaio, Thomas can’t shake” Jan. 5, 2010 Arizona Republic) As it is my tradition, I hope you enjoy the pizza (with anchovies). Have a Happy and Prosperous 2010!
Joseph M. Arpaio, Sheriff
I happen to like anchovies, so I don't see what the big fuss is.
So I hope that big jerk, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, doesn't send me one of those after I question his fitness to serve the community of Maricopa, Arizona, or point out the fact that his politics and actions of late, like racial profiling, having a deputy steal files from a public defenders desk and then threatening a law enforcement slowdown, or other abuses of power that are bringing the FBI onto his head.
So, please Sheriff Arpaio, don't call (317) 255-5711 and have Bazbeaux deliver a 16" pepperoni, sausage, and extra cheese to my office at 5348 Tacoma Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46220 between 12 and 2 EST. And if they don't deliver, please don't purchase a $25 gift card and have it mailed to me.
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