
Week 2 of 2010 Winter Olympics Swish-Whack Awards

Swish-Whack, Take That! (The Origins of the Swish-Whack Awards)

Phone It In Sunday: The iPad is a Comedy Gold Mine

The 2010 Winter Olympics Swish-Whack Take That! Awards

2010 Winter Olympics Preview

Understanding 7 Different Types of Humor

Outback Steakhouse Has a Potty Word in Its Children's Menu

Why My Wife is Awesome

Wayback Wednesday: You Know, It's Just. . . "It"

How Google's Super Bowl Commercial REALLY Ended

Phone It In Sunday: SNL's An Even-Tempered Apology from Rahm Emanuel

The Reluctant Evolution of a Computer Geek

My Interview with Bill Scheft, David Letterman's Head Monologue Writer